

What 'ADIQC' Offers
We have a range of services that include
Provide consultancy for the development of OH&S Management Systems against OSHAD SF V 3.0
Up gradation of existing OH&S Management System to V 3.0
Continual support for implementation of Management System
Risk Management
Incident investigation and reporting
Monitoring and reporting of the OH&S Management System' performance on quarterly basis
Why Select 'ADIQC'
There are reasons why you must select us

Since the inception, we have established out reputation and image in the market through our happy and highly satisfied high profile organizations across all the business sectors for most of the services related to QHSE

We have vision, mission, values, principles, policies, system that focus on delivering the top notch services to our prestigious clients

We work in line with the international best practices and have unique problem solving methodoloy that will best suit and serve your needs and expectation for a specific challenge that you are facing

Our Professionals are ‘QUALITY’ conscious and aim at total customer satisfaction – they strive towards making it the best in relation to completeness, accuracy and timeliness through following the int’l best practices

At ADIQC, we offer most of the services that relate to QHSE

Highly competent professionals
Our Professionals are highly competent having
Robust technical and managerial expertise
Comprehensive portfolio of International Memberships/Certifications
Thorough in-depth knowledge of Regulations and Standards
Extensive market knowledge
Right skills and courteous attitude
How Your Organization Will Benefit From Our Services
Through effectively developed OHS - MS in total compliance with OSHAD SF, your COMPANY will achieve the benefits that include but not limited to the following

Through improved awareness of regulatory requirements, this helps reduce the chances of committing any OH&S offence. The OSHAD will generally regulate your business with a lighter touch if it is well managed.

Those entities that have been notified by their concerned SRA; will have one of the contractual requirements as having OSHAD registration in relation to the OH&S management systems developed in full compliance with OSHAD latest SF and duly approved by the competent sector regulatory authority for future business as it’s a mandatory requirement now

By pre-empting injuries, and taking the appropriate control measures, it is possible to save money on medical expenses, the injured employee’s wages, insurance claims, replacement labour and increased workers’ compensation insurance premiums

Having Management Systems in place will benefit your business through having a systmatic approach to risk management to identify the hazards, assess and evaluate the associated risks, determine controls to mitigate the level of risk to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable and monitor the performance thereof

Through consistency in operations by adopting best business practices and maintaining these continually thereof

Through reduction in all kinds of wastes through identifying and implementing best practices: reduction in wastes → reduction in operational costs → reduction in prices by maintaining the same profit margin → more sales → more revenue and hence more profit. A win win situations all the stakeholders!

Through use of one of the best available tools/methodologies for risk management for the equipment; operations/processes, the hazards identification and risk assessment can be accomplished compeletely and accurately that results in enhance reliability

having polices, procedures and other documents e.g. communication matrix, in place will improve the communication both internal and external

Highly competent professionals
Our Professionals are highly competent having
A more competent, happier and healthier workforce,
Improved OH&S performance helps reduce both direct as well as indirect cost associated with incident and accident; where as one of the research studies reveals that direct cost is only tip of the iceberg i.e. 1$:36$
An improvement in the relations and morale of the employees through visible commitment by Top Management towards OH&S.
The Process - How Shall We Do it For Your Prestigious Organization?


Field visit for gap analysis and preparation & submission of the report on gap analysis along with Action Plan to the client’s Top Management. Important! The client management will distribute the initial assessment schedule within the facility and will keep all the relevant personnel available at the time of assessment and extend full cooperation with our Consultant/s.


Development of documentation in collaboration with the client. Important! The documentation including records shall be reviewed and updated as necessary in order to comply with all the requirements outlined in the OSHAD System Framework and/or International Standards.


An awareness training on the SF/Standards and developed OH&S - MS Important! The management will make all the necessary arrangements for the training, including venue; ADIQC consultants will provide one hard copy of the presentation and practice/exercise and other learning material as relevant.


Submission of documented OHS-MS in OSHAD' online System, namely "QUDORAT" for the review of it by the Professionals in concerned SRA.


Support to close out all the Non Conformances consequent upon the Independent Review by the Sector Regulatory Authority' Professionals.
Manuals, Policies, Procedures, Work instructions, Job descriptions, Forms, Flow charts, Check lists etc.
Support for close out of Non Conformances that result from the Independent Review by the SRA' OHS Professionals
Completion of Form "C" and online submission in "QUDORAT"
Training on the OSHAD SF and the newly developed OHS-MS

Quality Management Systems against JCIA Standards
What We Offer
Provision of "Consultancy" for the development of Quality Management Systems [QMS] against Joint Commission International Accreditation [JCIA] Standards,
Awareness training on JCIA Standards,
Development of documentation aligned with JCIA Standards,
Risk assessment and management through tools including FMEA etc.,
Performance monitoring and measurement through KPI’s etc.,
Performance Improvement Project by using Different Quality Models such as PDCA, FMEA, Lean philosophy, Six sigma methodology, total quality,
Gap analysis and mock survey, and
Incident investigation and reporting.
Target Clients
Home Care,
Ambulatory Care,
Clinical Laboratory,
Long-Term Care,
Medical Transports, and
Primary Care.
Why Choose ADIQC
We provide enough time to our prestigious client to discuss and clarify issues & concerns, as needed, during our meeting sessions,
We provide enough training to our prestigious client to develop competencies in order to be able to maintain the management systems in a way that bring value to it through continual improvement initiatives,
We are flexible and work according to customer convenience, to the extent possible,
you can call us anytime during working hours if needed our expertise &/or assistance, and
we are target oriented by keeping on track through developed & agreed "Action Plan".
Benefits of JCI Accreditation
Nowadays, when selecting healthcare facilities, one of the criteria that people are looking for is the delivery of quality services. When you are accredited by JCI, your facility will be in their list or might as well the first-choice healthcare provider in your service area by the people who are seeking healthcare assistance. JCI ensures that all their accredited organizations meet highest quality standards for patient safety, delivery of clinical care, overall patient support, etc. Your clients will be confident that your facility has met strict criteria of JCI through thorough, in-depth and independent evaluation of various technical and managerial organizations processes, facilities, equipment etc.
Process Flow
1. Initial assessment/gap analysis with report submission
ADIQC will provide initial assessment program according to scope of services. This initial assessment will cover the management office and the patient sites. A comprehensive written report of initial assessment will be presented to the top management on the status of the facility against JCI standards' requirements. The presentation will be provided to the management on the Non-conformities and action plan will be developed in liaison with the client to work on the gaps identified.
2. Awareness of Quality and JCI standards
ADIQC will provide Quality awareness and JCI standards training to the Management and to all other staff, who will involve in JCI accreditation preparation process of the facility.100% of the total staff must get the training.
3. Development stage
Deliverables by ADIQC
Gap analysis report and action plan,
Training on JCIA Standards [awareness], KPI's, developed PPG’s, infection control, health & safety, leadership & management,
Documentation that includes Job Descriptions, Forms, Flow-charts, List, Registers and Checklists, Terms of Reference, Agenda & meeting minutes, Policies, Procedures and Manuals, Plans, Programs,
Satisfaction surveys & evaluation (staff, customer, supplier etc.),
Training on developed documentation,
Tracer and mock survey reports, and
Assistance on rectification on JCIA' survey report.

Our Services
Provision of 'Consultancy' for the development of Quality Management Systems against HAAD JAWDA requirements
Support for performance monitoring & measurement through Key Performance Indicators for reporting and continual improvement purposes
Target Clients
All Healthcare Centers
The Benefits

Through improved awareness of regulatory requirements, you will not face problems when Regulatory body will perform inspection to your facility

Having management systems in place will benefit your business through having a systematic approach to risk management to identify the hazards, assess and evaluate the associated risks, determine controls to mitigate the level of a risk to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable [ALARP] and monitor the performance thereof

Through consistency in operations by adopting business best practices and maintaining these continually thereof

Through reduction in all kinds of wastes through identifying and implementing best practices

Through an effectively documented ‘Communication Matrix’ will improve the communication both internally and externally

  • hrough documented information; ability to track progress can result in opportunities for performance improvement
  • Based on the analysis of past performance, the objectives and goals are thenset to improve continually in the areas of the concern

Through the management systems in place, you will achieve the following benefits regarding the development of technical skills of the staff

  • a systematic approach to the management of identifying, implementing and monitoring OH&S Trainings,
  • ensure all employees, contractors and visitors receive appropriate training,
  • systematic approach to identifying, assessing and monitoring the minimum competencies that are required to perform the tasks in a safe manner by the employees and contractors

Many companies have preferential purchasing policies that favor purchasing products or services from companies with a certified Quality Management Systemsin line with the applicable statutory and regulatory obligations

Through monitoring and measurements systems, the organizational performance can be verified as well as measured, analyzed and improved

An improved image of the business in the eyes of all the stakeholders. For example

  • reduced insurance premiums – through demonstrating that  you are controlling risks effectively,
  • banks and investors will be more willing to finance your business if you can show that it is well managed,
  • business partners have more confidence in your business,
  • larger companies and government agencies may only buy from businesses that can show effective management systems etc.

What We Offer
Provision of consultancy for the development of Quality Management Systems (QMS) against ISO 15189:2012 (Management and Technical Part)
Help initiate &/or perform performance improvement project through using different quality models such as PDCA, Lean philosophy, Six Sigma etc.
Risk Assessment and Management through Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Incident investigation and reporting
Performance monitoring and measurement through key performance indicators (KPI's)
Why Choose 'ADIQC'
We effectively train our customer at the implementation stage, thereby enabling them to maintain & improve their QMS independently after accreditation
We provide enough time to our customer to discuss & clarify issues & concerns, as needed during our meeting sessions
We are flexible and work according to customer' convenience
we attend the call any time during the working hours, if needed by the customer, for expertise assistance
Goal oriented – Keeping on track through developed 'Action Plan'
The Benefits of Accreditation Against ISO 15189
“Laboratory accreditation provides a benchmark for performance, a range of marketing advantages, and international recognition of technical competence” - ILAC
Fulfillment of regulatory requirement
Providing quality of service which enhances patient safety, security, and satisfaction
Once accredited, it assures you or your customers that your laboratory’s test or calibration data are accurate and reliable
Deliverable from 'ADIQC'
Gap analysis report
Awareness training on ISO 15189 standard
Documentation including policies & procedures, plans & programs, satisfaction surveys & evaluation (staff, customer, supplier)
Training on how to implement the documented Laboratory QMS
Tracer and mock survey reports
Support to rectify the 'Findings' consequent upon the assessment by the Accreditation Body
The Process - How Shall We Do it For Your Prestigious Organization?


Assistance will be provided to the 'Top Management' in the development &/or review of the facility management structure as per the HAAD standards with regards to vision, mission, values, objectives, organizational charts and scope of services [for each medical specialty provided] • Strategic plan


'ADIQC' team will work with each staff in order to gain information on their scope practice and prepare job descriptions accordingly. For Doctors, Pathologist and Radiologist; clinical privileges will be developed according to their specialties.


'ADIQC' Consultant will provide full assistance for the development of documentation, both generic and specific to the scope of services, for inpatients, outpatients and emergency department according to the requirements of HAAD standards and the facility practices


The management and staff will be trained on how to implement the developed policies, procedures and guidelines. Subsequently, each Head of the area will be responsible for the implementation of these manuals; where as the 'ADIQC' consultant will conduct random audits to check whether the QMS have been implemented effectively or not & help close the gaps, if any


One of the comments received usually in HAAD inspection report is the development & implementation of 'Clinical Practice Guideline'; so, 'ADIQC' consultants will assist Doctors for the development of CPGs as per their scope of practice. As a right-hand rule, each specialty should have at least two CPGs.

Our Services
Coding services
Quality Check on Claim Review before submission to DAMAN
Development of clinical coding process review and PPG’s
Tasneef JAWDA audit report review and assist in the development of an 'action plan'
Assist healthcare organization to meet the requirement of 'Pay for Jawda' and 'Pay for Quality' as per HAAD requirement
Training on ICD - 10 coding
How Your Organization Will Benefit From Our Services

Worry less for the non-conformity issues when Regulatory body performs inspection to your facility and this is through our intensive awareness of regulatory requirements

Having management systems in place will benefit your business through having a systematic approach to risk mgt to identify the hazards, assess and evaluate the associated risks, determine controls to mitigate the level of risk to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable and monitor the performance thereof

Through consistency in operations by adopting best business practices and maintaining these continually thereof

Through education and training to staff and maintaining their competencies

communication matrix in place will improve the communication both internally and externally

  • Through documented information; ability to track progress that can result in opportunities for performance improvement
  • Based on the analysis of past performance, the objectives and goals are set to improve continually in the areas of the concern
  • in the areas of the concern
  • through the management systems in place, you will achieve the following benefits regarding the development of technical skills of the staff:
  • a systematic approach to the management of identifying, implementing and monitoring Training,
  • ensure all employees, contractors and visitors receive appropriate training,
  • a systematic approach to identifying, assessing and monitoring the minimum competencies that are required to perform the tasks in a safe manner by the employees and contractors

Through monitoring and measurements systems including KPI’s

An improved image of the business in the eyes of all the stakeholders